Sneaky Parrot

Tuesday, February 17

Going over old photos and found this from back in September. It's probably a sign that I have too many photos when I can lose them so easily...

He's not really sleeping, just hoping to lure me in close enough to bite.

Shot with Canon 30D + 24-105mm f/4 L @ 105mm, f/4, 1/400, ISO 250

Health Food Unhealthy for Bachelors

Friday, February 13

Which is more unhealthy, preservatives, or mold?

C'mon, how fast can a guy be expected to eat a whole loaf of bread? All the other bread lasted more than a week!

Which tastes better, moldy bread, or fresh bread?

There's really no difference, they're both quite good. I went back for seconds. And except for the green fuzz and itchy eyes, you'd never know the difference.

Been Busy

Monday, February 9

Last couple weeks have been hectic. Hopefully things will slow down a bit now.

Took this about a month ago: